About Us
Find out more about the FemmeFam.

Who is FemmeUndies?
We are a family owned and Australian Made business whose sole focus is to provide you with very comfy, leak free undies designed to protect you against the unpredictable.
After 30 years of dedicated innovation we consider ourselves the leakage experts. We have been working with BONDS undies for over 22 years to bring YOU the best of both worlds!
Combining BONDS' classic, very comfy undies with our leak proof technology – so you can do you. Hooray!
Our good-natured environmentally-friendly knickers are designed to be washed and reused over 200 times! We’re the only undies that whip your leaks into shape without using any other products. You can kiss goodbye to disposable nasties – no more liners, tampons or pads – oh my!
We still wanna see you on the reg but we’re not here to bleed your wallet dry! BUT how?
** queue drum roll **
What is the FemmeFam?
The FemmeFam is not just a place to ‘keep in touch’ but a space for femmes of any flow to speak candidly. Lending a helpful tip, a tickling tale, or just a spare Tim-Tam we think it’s time we used our leaks to bring us together!
NO judgements. NO stigmas. NO taboos. We’re a family after all, right ladies?
Welcome to the #FemmeFam